101 A rose in a luxurious bouquet
101 Roses in a luxurious bouquet of black paper to make your appearance exude luxury.
Types of flowers in a bouquet: red roses.
Accompanying decoration: beige eva foam, decorative black paper, thin red satin bow, wide red satin bow and white ribbon, chocolate candy box made of Belgian chocolate 300g.
A bouquet of red roses is something irreplaceable and unmistakable, especially when it is 101 roses in question. Imagine walking in the door with a bouquet like this! A bouquet is made of 101 rublesže, wrapped in eva foam, then in elegant waterproof black paper, this perfection is completed with a premium quality Belgian chocolate candy of 300g. The bow is made of three types of ribbon and has a seal in the form of a decorative diamond. A lot of effort and a lot of love is invested every time the bouquet is made 101 roses. We are proud to offer such a product.