101 Roses in a bouquet for moments that will be recounted
101 A rose in a bouquet for moments that will leave your loved ones breathless.
Types of flowers in a bouquet: red roses.
Accompanying decoration: Natron paper in beige color, black lace bow, black and white striped bow.
101 roses which is carefully selected and arranged in a bouquet, decorated with baking soda paper and a combination of bows in two colors is your ideal gift for your loved one. Imposing size bouquet will leave the recipient breathless and in disbelief. A moment that will be recounted for years!
Choose Your Ideal Gift
101 roses,
201, 301… even 1001 roses!
bouquets of roses,
101 A Rose in a Box,
Luxury arrangements and gifts.
There is nothing else that will send the message as loud and clear as they do roses. And nothing more, nothing less 101! Maybe 101 roses not enough?
101 roses, Delivery of flowers Belgrade