

-Adam belongs to the Aracea family. It arrived in Europe from India, and in continental countries, like here, Adam is grown as a house flower. It is a specific plant, and it blooms once a year. It is known that this plant cries, but it is actually a natural process called Gutting, which means that the plant separates excess water when transpiration is difficult, and this occurs due to too frequent watering and when the air humidity in the room is higher. Reduction of guttation is achieved by joint cultivation of Adam and Eve.

It is important to note that Adam's juice is very poisonous and can cause allergic reactions. This plant is specific because the lower leaves die off, and the upper ones gradually develop one after the other.


- You can keep this plant indoors or outside, it's just important to know that you must never expose it to direct sunlight because the leaves can turn yellow. It tolerates heat well, can be kept in a room with central heating, but requires fresh air and watering. Growing Adam also means frequent wiping of the leaves with a damp tissue or sponge. The ideal temperature in winter is 15 degrees, and the minimum that the plant can withstand is 5 degrees. Although it is most recommended to be in a place where the temperature is between 15 and 18 degrees. It is important to know that during the winter you should take care of the humidity of the soil, so that it does not dry out but is moderately moist. As for watering, this plant requires a lot of water and it is best to water it every two days in summer, and twice a week in winter. The soil should be moist, but it must not remain in the pot so that the roots do not rot.


- In the summer period, it is best to do supplementary feeding for a week or two. And in winter, once a month is enough. Use a water-soluble fertilizer.


-It is transplanted every two years into a larger pot, and it is best to do it in January or February. It is very important to be careful not to touch the soil around the veins in order not to damage the roots. If you want, you can move it to the garden in May, but of course not in direct sunlight. When the cold weather comes and it's time to bring it back into the house, be careful not to bring insects and worms with it from the garden soil.


- Propagation of Adam is possible by cuttings or division of shoots.

Adam has an underground tree - a RHIZOME. If pelts are present, it is very important to remove the pelts and part of the rhizome with a knife, and then the growth of a new plant is ensured. For scarring, it needs a temperature between 20-23 degrees.


- The red spider can attack from the underside, so it is important to spray the leaves regularly. Dry air and smoky air also affect the leaves, and as far as the prevention of fungi and insects is concerned, this is done by spraying with combined insecticides and fungicides.