How to enrich the interior of the building with plants?

You spend most of the year, especially in autumn and winter, indoors. Individuals even more, especially those whose work is related to closed space. Meeting with nature, in that case, is very rare, and the need for the space to be greener, bigger, cries out in you.

Today, in recent architecture, a lot of attention is paid to trends in the greening of the exterior, but equally, perhaps even more, of the interior. Numerous projects and newly built office buildings have real gardens on their terraces and roofs for the recreation and relaxation of employees, who thus use these spaces for a break from work. Certain older office buildings, which once exuded an excessive amount of concrete, are being reconstructed today, and as the main element they are introducing the eco standard of greening every part of them where possible, so today you will often come across the term "green facades”, where almost the entire facades are greened, as well as the interior of the buildings.

As far as private apartments and houses are concerned, greenery has always been one of the elements. It is rare where you can find a private property without some pots of interesting flowers, whether in the corridors of houses, living rooms, rooms or terraces, and in front with arranged flower beds, however, today it is fortunately becoming a matter of prestige for many and real small botanical gardens are being created in homes . In business premises, greenery certainly contributes to a different atmosphere and easier work, because it has been proven that the view of plants has a positive effect on eliminating stress and helps restore energy and concentration, and you will admit that in many industries today, when the amount of stress is too great, it plays a very big role role, and at the same time symbolically sends a message, how necessary plants are and how much more attention should be paid to such things in the future.

But let's start from your home. Certainly, even in it, you want and aspire to have your own corner for relaxation, rest or a place to sleep that would remind you of a vacation in a natural oasis far from the city. The best way to achieve this is with plants, and the official information is that during these two years of the pandemic and a large part of the time spent in the apartment, i.e. indoors, record sales of indoor flowers were recorded.

Maybe because of all that, you also came up with the great idea that you need a separate corner for reading a book, meditation, morning, daytime and evening relaxation, a space where you would drink coffee like in a garden, indoors, surrounded by tall plants like palm trees, hidden from all views, where you enjoy silence and thoughts, where there is only your space for relaxation and peaceful sleep. It has been proven that the color green is pleasing to the human eye, has a relaxing effect and relieves stress and fatigue. After a hard day's work, exhausting summer heat or depressing winter atmosphere, returning to the green home and the time spent in it will restore all the energy you need and you will of course be ready to always upgrade it. In the last two years, many have been moved from business offices to their homes, and working from home has become everyday.

Creating your own little green work corner and making work in a calming environment your primary priority is not out of the question. The selection of plants is equally important and not only plants but also pots and special decorative flowers and other elements that will only enhance the effect of relaxation and positive energy of your home. There are also plants that eliminate harmful substances in the air, up to those that eliminate or reduce, for example, radiation from computers and other household devices. The health effects of Bamboo, Palm, Ficus and similar plants are known. Certainly, consulting with experts in that field is a very important element, if not crucial. By combining the beauty of green and its beneficial effect on you, your home, and your health, you will create a new way of life, and at the same time, enrich your soul and outlook. strengthen your body. Are you ready to enter the green oasis of your home by opening the door? Maybe right now is the ideal time for that!