
Glamorous weddings

Today, when the influence of the media is extremely strong, you will often find out more than what you want. It is precisely the media today that largely creates our desires and needs. It is through them that you will hear about celebrities, the luxury they live in and their glamorous habits,

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Organization of a child's baptism

Since the creation of the World, birth has been a great joy for the family, an event that fundamentally changes everything. For some, the arrival of a child is the result of emotion towards a partner, while on the other hand, for some, it is God's greatest, holy gift. Those who

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Birthday celebrations around the world

Unavoidable topics among people are celebrations, whatever the occasion. You will often receive an invitation from a friend or acquaintance to join a celebration, but for example, it is an event that does not fit into your tradition, religion, customs and

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Birthday celebration originated in Europe

There are numerous dates, numerous events that are represented in our lives during the year, but the birthday is still one of the most represented and important dates for each individual. Besides Christmas, Easter, Slava or wedding anniversary, a birthday has a special place and demands

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Your dream wedding

You are watching a wonderful, romantic movie. In front of you is a couple in love and the moment when they say yes to each other... In your head, imagination, desire and hope that this is happening to you. Equally romantic, exciting and unreal. Many would say, very cinematic... and yes, that one

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Wedding tradition in Belgrade

The union of two people, getting married and starting a family, are one of the oldest and most important customs, both in our country and throughout the world, and marriage itself is considered one of the Holy Mysteries. That's why there are wedding customs

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How to make a shop window to attract attention?

In many ways, the year is specific and different. It starts with winter and ends with winter. The face of the city, nature, people, ways of dressing, streets and everything, every day of the year changes and adapts to weather conditions, but also to numerous events that take place

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Festive window decoration

Many will call the society we live in today a consumer society. We are surrounded by things that are offered to us, in which marketing primarily takes the leading role. Everywhere you turn, advertisements are watching you, from those on billboards to those in stores,

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Flower arrangements for lovers

It happens that you meet or somehow notice a person you like for months, but you haven't figured out a way to get closer to them? All kinds of things came to your mind, but the ideas seemed to you already seen, and you are

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