A gift for him that he will never forget - here's why
Let's start with the drinks because…
kako je red, kad god da krenete na neki važan dogadjaj, prvo pitanje je uglavnom „šta da ponesem od pića“?! Neobičan odgovor bi bio Jack Daniels Single Barrel Select, but given that it's an occasion like this, why not!
Single Barrel is a label for the premium class of whiskey, because those types are made from only one barrel, they are not mixed with others, but have their own barrel, method of production and a certain taste. That would be in a nutshell, for those who want to know more about it can read here.
Our Select has the addition of a light note of caramel, fruit additions and aromas, to achieve its unique taste. If you want to learn more about this particular drink, you can do so here.
This perfect drink comes with two special glasses za viski, birali smo ih iz luxuznog koncepta časa za hotele „Pasabahce“. Ok, we've got the drinks sorted..
Where there's fire there's smoke...
Usually, in most cases, the main ingredient of good enjoyment with a drink is a quality cigar. Not an ordinary cigar, it has no place here, but a tompus cigarette. Regardless of whether a man is a smoker or not, he certainly once lit a quality cigar for pure pleasure. That's why we believe that the perfect gift for him must contain quality cigar.
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of tompus? That's right! Cohiba, not one, but 6 pieces, packed in a leather Cohiba case with the name of this world's most famous tompus brand engraved on it.
Of course, in order for the pleasure to be complete, there is also a basic tool for this type of enjoyment. A cutter, but not the one from the ninja turtles, but a tompus cutter, which has a quality Japanese knife on it, which means that the cigar will be cut perfectly and will not rot at all.
The deeper we dig, the more we come across…
zlato, tako jee! Zlatna poluga, nešto što je verovatno 99% ljudi videlo na slici ili filmu samo. „E pa cvrc, neće moći više. Ko bre nije video, daj 6 poluga odmah!“ Da bi upotpunili originalnost odlučili smo se za chocolate gold bars. Ovakva vrsta poklona za njega, zaslužuje ovaj raskoš. Poluge su od premium crne čokolade „San Marino“, punjene kremom i svaka ima 150gr čokolade. Idealne su jer su dugugacije od klasične čokolade koju će doneti svaki drugi gost.
A healthy person has a thousand wishes, and a sick person only one...
The good old saying goes that health is most important and we agree. It's a waste if our health doesn't allow us to enjoy the charms of life. Then mandatory ingredient this story is placed in four jars. We invited a friend, who we are sure knows how to pack health in a jar. Everything in the jars is a completely natural variant and (home made) production. She has her own corner in a place near Šabac (Bogatić), where she chooses and combines what to put in each jar. It is a combination of nuts of all kinds, soaked in the honey it produces. There is a lot more we can write about nuts and their impact on health, but if you are interested, read this text, it was written by someone more expert.
The gift is packed in a wooden box made of plywood, handmade and assembled.
Think this gift is just right for him? Go back above to order, or contact us!
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