Birthday celebrations around the world

Unavoidable topics among people are celebrations, whatever the reason. You will often receive an invitation from a friend or acquaintance to join a celebration, but let's say it is an event that does not fit into your tradition, religion, customs, etc.  Birthdays are unique an event with almost all peoples in the world, however like everyone else events, they are also celebrated in different ways across our diverse and wondrous planet. It is an event which is mostly a decision or a celebration created by an individual, according to his wishes, but as with others events, some national, geographical or religious characteristics have remained in celebrations and organization, even to herself birthday decoration.

Maybe we are Fr celebrations birthday most familiar with those from the USA, especially through their film production Hollywood (sweet 16, the day of coming of age, which in their country marks the day when you get the opportunity to get a driver's license, but also the final freedom for an adult, who from that day becomes an adult and responsible person, and usually according to American customs, the person celebrating that day receives large, varied gifts). Let's remember certain movies when the birthday boy gets the keys to a red convertible...

However, our Planet is much bigger, so we often wonder how they are celebrated in, say, Japan, Morocco, Brazil or in some exotic Caribbean country. Let's say in Israel, among Jews, only adulthood and his celebration it starts at the age of 12 or 13...interestingly, it is the girls who start at the age of 12 and that celebration is known as Bat Mitzvah, and boys from 13 and ta celebration is called a Bar Mitzvah. Everything is imbued with religious tradition and celebration, as well as herself organization of birthdays, which is prepared for weeks for the purpose of learning to follow the Jewish rules in life, but also celebrates the talent and achievement of the individual. So, while for some, coming of age is considered the beginning of growing up, others are educated in the system upon their arrival and are expected to contribute to it.

It is similar with Latin American countries and peoples, where girls already at the age of 15 swear to their faith and a cheerful party is prepared for them with a lot of food, but mostly dancing. And in our country, the character of those peoples is immediately associated with some playful and romantic dances. Warm climate and warm, romantic landscape and climate. While Latin Americans associate us with cheerful games, on the other side of the Atlantic, but equally warm and with a cheerful mentality and strange but poor Africa, we can find even stranger and more traditional elements birthday celebrationai coming of age. Let's say, Ethiopia leads the way, where coming of age in a man is a sign of sexual maturity and readiness for marriage. And the moment of renouncing childhood and entering that period of life must be marked by jumping over a castrated bull, which represents the exit from childhood.

As you notice, growing up, coming of age, coming out of childhood, all over the world happen at different ages. A holiday for everyone. Well, let's say if we travel to the far East, to rich and strange Japan, everything happens even later and only at the age of 20, young Japanese become adults and become socially responsible. Again, everything is imbued with tradition, in this case the traditional costume, which a young person wears on their 20th birthday and thus enters the world of adults. And while we are walking around the world, we are slowly returning home.

We maybe on birthdays we don't wear traditional costumes like the Japanese, we wear clothes that are part of our needs or the decoration is all a part of the moment and material wealth. We are still in that golden middle age of 18, when we are moving into a more serious period, somehow with the end of high school, but like all over the world, a lot of things are changing, the question is what kind of changes the future will bring us. Maybe we too will get some of our sweet 16, and maybe the tradition will stay deep in us. Birthday will certainly, whether he is 18 or 70, remain a symbol of change, aspiration or a symbol of love. Our photo albums will be full of our different moments, from growing up to growing old, from first love, to periods of silence in old age. The fascination of life is that beautiful picture of our walk through this strange Planet and life, and birthdays are the changes of the seasons in us, in our interior and on our exterior.