
Big or small wedding?

Your wedding day is fast approaching. A special day, of special importance, on which, in addition to you, your chosen one, your and his or her relatives, many more people who are dear to you from friendship and acquaintances should be present.

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Glamorous weddings

Today, when the influence of the media is extremely strong, you will often find out more than what you want. It is precisely the media today that largely creates our desires and needs. It is through them that you will hear about celebrities, the luxury they live in and their glamorous habits,

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Your dream wedding

You are watching a wonderful, romantic movie. In front of you is a couple in love and the moment when they say yes to each other... In your head, imagination, desire and hope that this is happening to you. Equally romantic, exciting and unreal. Many would say, very cinematic... and yes, that one

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Wedding tradition in Belgrade

The union of two people, getting married and starting a family, are one of the oldest and most important customs, both in our country and throughout the world, and marriage itself is considered one of the Holy Mysteries. That's why there are wedding customs

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