
Excessive temperatures at weddings!

Despite the high temperatures, this summer wedding dresses remain real glamorous dresses, which every girl who got married or is expecting that day, proudly chooses and wears. Bravely walking in difficult, but certainly beautiful materials, is far from fairy-tale. For beauty

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Why is everyone condemning intimate weddings?

Serbian tradition implies real Serbian celebrations. From the wedding procession of vehicles, driving to another city, shooting with a pistol or rifle, all the way to buying a bride. Unfortunately, the situation with covid has led us to visit and celebrate beautiful events, in

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Today is a wonderful day for us...

A century-old song, sung countless times and translated into all world languages. The text is well known to every person, and no event goes by without it. The euphoria it brings will bring joy to every face, and the youngest will learn first

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Don't refuse the invitation!

Party, wedding, wedding, corporate party, birthday We all work so much and live a fast life that we eagerly await every invitation. Every organized event to which you are invited means that someone has set aside a minimum of their time for you. So when you think that though

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Creative children's birthdays

Did you remember or do you often remember your childhood? A child's imagination that grew alongside you and followed you through your upbringing. Memories of first birthdays, first gifts, which you may still be holding, woke up in you

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Spring, the most often chosen time of year for weddings

You dreamed of yourself in a wedding dress while running through green fields covered with spring flowers. Cheered up with a smile, in the warm breeze, lit by the warm sun and surrounded by loved ones and friends. There is of course a lot of symbolism in spring. At first glance, everyone will think of

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Organization of corporate events

The world is busy with business activity, and technological progress, as well as the increasing number of companies coming to our country and the increasing number of business partners from different economic fields, their connection and cooperation, numerous presentations and seminars, require a new

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The perfect bachelor and bachelorette party

Perhaps the most important day in your life is ahead of you, a day that will mark a new cycle and which is actually the beginning of starting your own family and your own life with the choice of your heart. One big change, an obligation, but also an unforgettable day.

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Big or small wedding?

Your wedding day is fast approaching. A special day, of special importance, on which, in addition to you, your chosen one, your and his or her relatives, many more people who are dear to you from friendship and acquaintances should be present.

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