Your dream wedding

You are watching a wonderful, romantic movie.

In front of you is a couple in love and the moment when they say yes to each other... In your head, imagination, desire and hope that this is happening to you. Equally romantic, exciting and unreal. Many would say, just like a movie... and yes, that movie suddenly becomes your reality and the moment came when someone dear to you decided to ask for your fateful yes. There has come a moment that you will remember for the rest of your life, and which can be called the crown of your emotional attachment to a person. The joy and surprise at that moment, made your heart skip a beat, but also awakened a vivid imagination of the day when you will say the fateful YES, when you will stand in front of the person of your life and you will not notice anyone around you, no matter how many there are, when you kiss her and in front of the registrar and in the Church before God, take the oath that your soul has been waiting for. All this brings with it the wedding day, the day when you want to complete the life story of your emotion and enter a new cycle, the cycle of creating your family.

The wedding itself is not an ordinary day and like everything, it has changed its forms throughout history. From custom, organizations, the costumes themselves, decorations, invitation, to diversity in all elements, even in gifts, wedding table, and so on, both in Serbia, Belgrade, and all over the world. And of course, from end to end, he carried his differences. Each time added something new and took away something old. Something from our tradition, and something from other countries of the world was added. Of course, the thought of a wedding in a woman will create an image of a dream wedding dress or that moment of exchanging rings on the hand, to travel, which would also mean a little hidden paradise, after all. Every part of the wedding from the engagement to the honeymoon has its own rich history. Cultural roots, heritage and religious beliefs have shaped marriage throughout history and influenced the very appearance of weddings.

In Serbia, wedding customs, i.e. weddings, differ from end to end. On the the wedding was most often invited by a guy who belonged to the groom's or bride's family, who carried with him a decorated buklija containing wine or brandy. The host who invites is expected to make the sign of the cross, drink a little from the buclia and say: "God, may the newlyweds be alive and healthy, may happiness and love follow them, may we marry them this year, and baptize them next... and the dominant saying is :

"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...and there's a silver coin in her shoe...". This saying for good luck often affects you wedding organization. Young people today often combine the details of that saying at weddings. "Something old" symbolizes the connection with the young family in the past. A family heirloom, such as a piece of gold jewelry, pearls... "Something new" represents good luck and success in the young person's new life. The bride can wear a string of pearls. "Something borrowed" symbolizes the love and support of family and friends in difficult times. "Something blue" symbolizes fidelity and loyalty. Brides usually choose a blue garter or ribbon…sayings, customs and history.

Maybe they don't matter to you, maybe everything will be completely different. Maybe just your choice, yours organization, How the wedding it should look like, be some new tradition or something that will be passed on to some new generations, and you should be the creator of that idea... And so, that day has come. You come out smiling in front of the guests, the registrar and the priest, in the movie in which you are the main role today. You look at the world and step ahead of everyone. In his happiness, next to his companion, in his unforgettable, romantic film.