Provansa „Priča“ Bajke! Imajte Velika Očekivanja!


A day like this has no replay. With experience organizer, select priorities and, by working together, create the desired the wedding of your dreams.
How long does it take to prepare? weddings, what details need to be included, and what should not be left out, leave it to the professionals. This is your day, let it be talked about! From the moment of giving and receiving the engagement ring, you must have thought "we can do this alone". You are not the first newlyweds who, driven by euphoria, have left out important details. There are protocols that are easy to implement in the hands of professionals.

PROVANCE DECOR CENTER, proudly presents its team, which deals with successful event organization. Each event is designed in a specific and creative way. And everyone the wedding is a new fairy tale. Yours the wedding dreamy will look graceful, whether it's an intimate or luxurious celebration. It is necessary to listen to your wishes, and then our team, which makes them experienced wedding planners and decorators, using your imagination, create a day that will be remembered forever, he told the portal, Slaviša Šarenac, director of the company Provence Dekor Center.

This work is not easy, but for us it is the most beautiful challenge. We are creating a fairy tale in which we must not disappoint you in the first place, and certainly each other. You upgrade our skills, knowledge and tricks.

Contact us and let the first meeting be an optional "cup of conversation".
PROVANCE DECOR CENTER he wants to free your time, take matters into his own hands, and create the magic of your love with his ideas. Let your standing on the crazy rock be talked about for decades.