Birthday celebration originated in Europe

There are numerous dates, numerous events which are represented in our lives during the year, but birthday is still one of the most represented and important dates of every individual. In addition to Christmas, Easter, Slava or wedding anniversary, birthday occupies a special place and requires a special one organization and decoration. According to his character. By age or lifestyle habits, which of course affect the actual marking of this day. While for some, that day will pass almost unnoticed, some will want to make it an unforgettable day every year or an unforgettable day for a loved one, a family member or their child. Many feelings, even beliefs, doubts, hopes, and longings for changes, run through us through that date. Birthdays with their character, they remind us of growing up, of changes in life cycles, of first love, of starting a family, of school and student days, of the first working days, they remind us of grandparents and their first gifts, of parents and their pains to give us that they make the day cheerful and unforgettable, they also remind us of the seriousness of life, age, sometimes it will speed up some life plans, and sometimes it will slow down life and ask us for a little break from everything.

Like others events, birthday celebrations have developed and changed throughout history, differentiated and differ from end to end of the World, from individual to individual. Certainly, the character of the celebration is not the same in childhood, youth or old age, regardless of the fact that individuals, even in their later years, will consider that day as the best day to have a good time. In the last case, the day when, even in solitude, he will order his favorite cake or invite friends for cakes or go to his favorite cafe or shopping center, flower shop, pastry shop...

Birthday celebration it originated in Europe in ancient times. It was believed that evil forces attack on a birthday, so family members and friends gathered to protect the person celebrating with good thoughts, wishes and gifts. In the beginning they are birthdays celebrated only by the leaders of the states, and then children started to do it. The first country to celebrate birthdays was Germany. On the birthday candles were lit all day. One of the family members of the celebrant gets up at dawn and lights candles on birthday cakes. There are as many candles on the cake as the birthday person's age and one more, which brings good luck. Late in the evening, after the festive dinner, the celebrant blows out the candles. If he does it on the first try, then all his wishes will surely come true. And only after that the gifts are revealed...

Children's celebrations, of course, represent the most cheerful, playful and favorite part of this story. By nature, lively and ready to play and have fun, children will make their day noble and joyful right from the start, but they are also the most demanding. Someone will have a party in a playroom, someone in a school or kindergarten, and someone in their home. Organization and decoration of their happiness is often stressful for parents, because every year they will want something new and different. They are special, perhaps the most special birthdays coming of age celebrations, the ones that are remembered the most. Our day of birth, the first meeting with the Sun, is the day we wait for and after which we are always a little sad, but it is a day that we can always make our own and always embark on new trials on that day, which will never end in this world.