Baptism is considered a Holy Secret, and a person through this act receives the faith and according to tradition, is protected from the earliest days, because he receives God's blessing. Most often, very small babies are baptized already two or three weeks after birth. However, it is increasingly common to hear that it is also done by adults, educated people, in their mature years. Baptism is very significant an event for every family.

Why not?

Once you've taken the first step and contacted us, you've done half the work. You are on the way to realization, when you have presented us with what type  events you want organize. 
 YES NO? First birthday and baptism of a child, are two events that are most often combined and celebrated at the same cost. Music, baptism decoration, an increasing number of guests, must be escorted, because they require a large one organization Adults who have not been baptized, more and more often perform this act on their own the wedding. It happens that the person who should be godfather to the wedding his friends, he performs that act shortly before the wedding act, so both of them events celebrate on the same day.
Provence Decor Center with many years of experience, the witness is like this events, so if you are not sure what steps to take exactly, you can consult with event organizers For organization of baptism. Consult the customs, because as simple as it sounds, there are protocols.

Parents should be blessed with happiness and well-being that day, because their child deserves a beautiful space, for perfection baptism celebrations.

If you want a large number of people at the celebration baptism of your childand, Provence Decor Center offers a wide selection of restaurants with a large seating capacity. If you still want an intimate one celebration, in the circle of the closest people, we also have a lot of options to offer.

A very sought after guy celebration in the open air in the beautifully arranged courtyards, countless times gave a beautiful sight of the gathered guests.

If you choose this type celebrations, our team can provide all the inventory that will make the space look like we have moved the entire restaurant to the desired location. Luxury inventory which includes everything necessary for one an event, as well as catering, will provide Provence Decor Center.


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