
+381 63 8248844

White City

Omladinska 15D, Dedinje

Long-term maintenance of green areas

Provansa Dekor doo, from a wide range of services in the field landscape architecture and horticulture, offers you public and private maintenance services green areasresidential and business buildings, as well as the maintenance and care of interior plants. 

All the mentioned works are carried out by a team of experienced gardeners, with complete machinery and tools, and landscape architects and plant protection engineers regularly visit the field and check the health and condition of plants and lawns, on the basis of which they determine the method and measures of care, according to the needs and requirements and condition subject green areas.

As part of regular monthly maintenance, we provide you with the following services:

Our team of experienced experts, constantly during the entire calendar year, performs regular reflection of green areas. We perform maintenance according to the annual contract (maintenance plan), which we define together with the clients, and we also carry out individual visits and inspections at your request.

If you want more information about our offer, write to us or call us, we will answer you as soon as possible