
+381 63 8248844

White City

Omladinska 15D, Dedinje


If the children have earned your trust, maybe now is the time to reward them.

What is it that makes their life carefree and lively?

There is no better answer. Children's play has always graced everyone yard, every park, every playground. Whenever you took your child to the park, as caring parents, you had the need and responsibility not to let him out of your sight. We are sure that you are parents who want the best for your child, but their nature is inclined to explore.
Jumping children, who set their own game rules, will certainly be the safest if they have their own playground.
If we talk about the absolute protection of the child, this is reassuring for every parent. To begin with, start thinking which part landscaped yard, you can rearrange and dedicate it to your child. Arrange the yard just to your child's taste and allow him free play. You will be calm and observe him, from your quiet corner, in landscaped yard.

Yard design, production and assembly, have recently become a new challenge Provence Decor Center.
From design, projecting, all the way to assembly and final realization. With a quality guarantee, you won't even feel the decoration of the yard, that is, the corner for your child. In no time, your child will adore his home.

If you do not want to spoil the green surface of your yard, Provence Decor Center, advises that if you own balcony or terrace that you didn't use, give your child a play corner.

Arrangement of the terrace, will be an excellent option, if that space is unused. The child will be close and always "in your eye".

Suitable materials, beautiful constructions, with which they will be able to practice their first movements and steps, will do

To your proud parents, as if you personally made their oasis of laughter and fun.